to Round and Sounds, this website is my personal dedication to my life in
radio, in the pub and playing golf. |
Thanks for taking the time
to have a look at this site. I'm Johnny Lewis, AKA Steven Bishop, AKA
Johnny Moss, and once on air on a test for a station in Dublin as Herman
Yates, I've had a few names
I was
born on Christmas Day 1958, at 16 thought it was time I was off into the
wide world and for a time worked in a sheep's skin factory also doing
a spot of farming, then was off out to Radio Caroline in the Late 70's,
and the rest as they say is history
the past 32 years since starting in radio I've come across some wonderful
people who have helped me no end, and would just like to say a BIG thank
you for all the great times. Some of these people you will meet on my
friend's pages. |
do pop in and not only have a look at the radio pages, but also my golf,
beer, friends, La Tour, and the news pages. Who knows if ever you're in
Kent, we might even blow and tilt a few beers together. |
Most, but not
all images on this site have a higher resolution view to them, look for
the mouse pointer changing and click to see the bigger image in a seperate
window, a small warning, some of the images are large, and may take a while
to load on a dial-up connection. |
Nick Wright and Johnny Lewis
at Radio Wyvern 1987
Maidstone Caroline OB from
the Ross Jan 1999
This is
me with my Mum on New Years Day 2010
Lot's more
pictures of golf, radio and some friends and myself touring pubs inside.
on the left, I don't do this every day, dress up in girls clothes, this
was for a fund raiser! I did drive home like it that night, more photos
like this and others inside. Thanks for taking a look at the site.
I've just been sorting out
a few things in the loft, and found a few old photos my dad sent me when
he was still alive. Most of me taken when I was very young and well behaved!
Above a school photo with my
Brother Steve. Now you know how i got the name Steven Bishop on the Mi
You see, even at a young age
and I was about 5 here I liked the sea life
Below are 2 articals
i put together for Horizon
Eurosiege 85
Eurosiege 85 as I remember it. I
was on air on the first Thursday of August 1985 I was doing the Caroline
breakfast show when this very smart boat called The Dioptric Surveyor
came past and circled us very close we all went out on deck and gave them
a wave, they did not wave back I seem to remember, then the boat left
us and headed out in the direction of the Kent coast. We saw no more of
the spy boat (as we later called it) that day.
On the Friday again I was on air at around 9ish the Dioptric surveyor
returned and circled us very closely, almost coming along side, still
at this stage we had no idea what she was up to, but we did make it very
clear we were a register Panamanian ship in international waters, and
we were breaking no laws.
Still no communications from them. On the Friday it seemed it was Caroline
they were more interested in rather than the Laser 558 ship a mile and
a half away.
When on the Friday evening they did not leave and just hung around the
Ross we started to think Hello something's up here, also thought if they
were still around on the Saturday morning that could be fun as we knew
we were to get a fuel boat out from Europe, and at the weekends in the
summer we had sight seeing boats out from Essex and Kent.
Saturday morning came as did Caroline's European tender, our tender just
came alongside moored up and off loaded a load of fuel, food and water,
the Dioptric Surveyor crew tried at this stage to get pictures but needless
to say we made it hard for them to do this with canvas covers over fuel
pipes etc. at around the same time this was going on we had a sight seeing
boat come out from Essex, they went round the blind side off the Ross
from the spy boat and then off loaded some goodies all good fun.
Later that day the Dioptric Surveyor made its first trip over to the Laser
ship Communicator, then it just anchored between the 2 of us.
That first Sunday the Spy boat was there brought more sight seeing boats
out from the UK and the poor old spy boat did not know what ship to concentrate
on. As it was we did feel a bit sorry for them we had all these people
coming out to us with goodies, the Sunday papers etc, and I don't thing
once anybody put anything aboard the spy boat that weekend.
It was not till Monday around the 12th August 1985 at lunchtime we found
out what was really going on. I was looking for news items for the Caroline
1pm news and on the BBC TV teletext I saw a headline 'Caroline and Laser
watch out' It stated the UK government were out to close our supply lines
and the Technology Minister Geoffrey Pattie had also Described us as 'Potential
Killers that must be removed'.What had happened was the 2 stations had
become so popular local stations were loosing listeners to us and were
best not pleased and wanted action taken.
Anyboat that did come from the UK were contacted by the spy boat and warned
if they supplied us they could face an unlimited fine or 2 year's imprisonment.
I have to tell you now not ONE boat that came out to us turned back.
We did have some fun with the DTI on the Dioptric Surveyor knowing they
were listening all the time to us, when the weather got a little choppy
and watching there boat (which was a lot smaller than the 2 Radio ships)
rolling around we did mention greasy food a lot, then we'd see the men
from the ministry hanging over the side throwing up
poor souls
The Government boat also did a really
strange thing every Friday around 6.30AM it would go into Harwich about
16 miles away to stock up it would be gone nearly all day so anything
we needed to get out in a hurry from the UK we would get out on a Friday
morning, another time they followed a boat that came with some press people
on all the way back to Whitstable, and while they were doing that we did
a quick DJ change over from the UK.
Other things we used to do was start
our main ships engine if they tried to come to near to us in there rubber
dingy, we had a long anchor chain down so would run the ship around on
that so they could not get too close, they also tried to measure how much
fuel we had on board by seeing how low/high we were in the water so we
just pumped it around different tanks and some we did not use we filled
with salt water, then one day half emptied them the next fill it up a
bit etc, so they gave up on that.
We were lucky on the Ross as most
of our supplies were coming from Europe at this time so Eurosiege had
no affect on us apart from we must have had about £10 million of
free advertising for the station as each day we were on the national news/local
news, national newspapers the whole lot and all thanks to the British
government, and we noticed the mail increased 20 even 30 fold after this,
and lots of people saying blimmy thought you lot went off air years ago
welcome back!
Unfortunately Laser's supplies, or most of them were coming from the UK
and after a while the Spy boat realised this and started giving them a
hard time and almost gave up on trying to get Caroline off air.
On the 6th November Laser sailed into Harwich it's fuel and other supplies
low and escorted by the newer bigger spy boat and a former sister ship
to the communicator The Gardline Tracker,
Lasers days were over.
Eurosiege 85 went on for about another week after this then once again
Caroline was left all alone in the North Sea.
In closing I think anyone who was out on Caroline during those 3 months
would say 'it was so much fun and we all got such a big lift with all
the support we kept getting'..We were not going to roll over and surrender..
My time on the Mi Amigo
I first went out to the Mi Amigo
in December 1977 with Albert Hood on one of his weekly sight seeing trips
to the ship.
My first thoughts about the ship was it did look a bit rusty but seemed
very stable with that almost 200 feet of radio mast at the front of the
On that first trip I did not stay just going out to have a look, but I
was hooked at that point thinking I want to work on the old girl at some
I went out sight seeing on several occasions in 1978, finally going out
with Albert to have a look at the ships generators in autumn of that year
and staying on the ship.
That winter of 1978/79 the station was off air, but things on board at
first were not too bad, we had one of the ships small generators running
24 hourd a day, and plenty of food. Water was the only thing we had to
watch what we used.
That first trip I was on board for about 13 weeks, on board at the time
was Tony Alan, Peter Chicago, Roger Matthews and Busby (Richard Thompson)
Early January 1979 I came ashore, and my time aboard the Mi Amigo almost
came to an end then as mid Jan the ship was abandoned and almost sank
in an Easterly Gale.
Peter Chicago managed to get a boat to go out to the Mi Amigo the next
morning and got aboard before she was boarded a then could have been towed
away by the authorities. Peter was on his own for over 24 hours when the
likes of Mike Barrington, Tony Alan, Myself, and some other helpers went
out with some new pumps for the ship.
The ship was in darkness when we got along side but she did seem to be
riding the waves ok. Once onboard we set to work to get one of the ships
generators running once again and start pumping the water out.
Water had come in from several leaks in the ships plates around the engine
room at the stern of the ship. Some of us fixed them using concrete while
the others on the ship set about clearing the cabins and the record libery
and English studio below decks which had flooded to about half way up
the starboard side. What made the mess worse was the water that seeped
through the whole ship was mixed with oil and diesel.
After about 12 hours or so we had pumped the whole ship as dry as we could
and from then on we set about washing all the records in fresh water that
had been submerged in the oil etc, There was about 3000 of them that needed
cleaning I remember Tony Alan did most of that, the rest of us started
cleaning and re painting the cabins, record libery and the English Studio.
Trouble was at this time we had very little diesel, water or food on board,
and only power for cooking, so about 2 hours a day, rest of the time the
ship had no electric power. Our night lighting was with Hurricane lamps,
they tended to go out well the deck ones did in storms, remember we are
talking about February and March 1979 here and we did have some very bad
weather at that time, around Valentines day we had one very bad North
Easterly storm 10 to 11, but the ship held out ok, taking on water again
but very little I'm glad to say.
Early April 1979 the weather was very good so we got to work on chipping
and painting the deck housing and side of the ship.
We had been told to get the ship ready to go back on air around Easter
1979. Good Friday was very calm, but nothing came out to us and much the
same on the Saturday, which I remember as being so calm 2 of us even went
in for a swim. We had dinner that evening about 7 and we thought nothings
going to happen this Easter now.
Then around 8ish we heard a ships hooter, we went out on deck and a rather
large boat was coming along side, there I noticed Tom Hardy and Peter
Chicago. Once Chicago came on Board he announced to us we were going back
on air in the morning at 10am.
We just about had One good working Generator in the engine room which
would run the 10kw TX but not the 50kw, and the Cummings on the back deck
which was not one of the ships most reliable generators but would with
a kick and shove some times work and that would power the 50kw ok.
Peters first attempt to put the TX on ended in a flash and bang and Peter
saying 'Oh Bugger'. One cup of tea and a cake later and a little more
cleaning inside the transmitter and we were back on air with Tony playing
Fool if you think it's over.
That summer and autumn of 1979 things got better all the time on the ship
with the Dutch service daytime and English service night time and in between
the religious recorded shows which brought in a lot of money.
We had loads of food especially chickens that year as one of the owners
of the Dutch service had a chicken factory.
There was talk late 1979 of the all day English service starting up again
once the Man generators had been repaired, that was going to happen around
March/April 1980 but as we know it was not to be. March 1980 and the old
girl could hold out no more and sank just off the Long Sands in the North